
4 seatbelts

sleeping places

Licence B

Travelling abroad

Pets allowed

About this campervan



Rental company

  • Vehicle registration certificate checked
  • Technical inspection checked

Véhicule très rare sur le marché du camping car. C'est un BURSTNER 4x4 avec spécificité constructeur DANGEL. Il est débrayable en 2 ou 4 roues motrices, boîte mécanique, 165cv: 'Il vous emmènera partout !' En effet, il sera plus haut donc attention quand on monte la 'capucine' avec les arbres. De plus, nous l'avons voulu autonome 100% donc il est équipé du 220V ! (sans devoir se brancher au secteur): trop top pour le petit expresso du matin face au levée de soleil mais aussi recharger vos véhicules électriques et portables !! Le gaz et le chauffage sur GPL donc pas besoin de changer les bouteilles. Le porte vélo est à ouverture latérale, et surtout résiste au poids de 2 vélos électriques, plutôt rare aussi sur le marché du camping car ! Les toilettes y sont mais nous sommes plutôt 'nature' ... Les moustiquaires partout bien pratiques quand on veut dormir tranquille et profitez des chants des oiseaux. En conclusion, 'nous avons voulu ce véhicule pour nous et donc l'avons adapté en conséquence pour être en nature et au calme loin des parkings 'campings cars' surchargés, devenus obligatoires presque partout !...'

Included in the rental with Yescapa

  • Comprehensive insurance for the vehicle and its occupants.
  • 24/7 roadside assistance
  • Secure payment
  • Guarantee on departure


Berth 1
Tranverse fixed bed140x190 cm
Berth 2
Overcab bed140x190 cm


  • Inside shower
  • WC
  • Bike Rack
  • Refrigerator
  • Dinnerware Set
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Coffee machine
  • Power steering
  • Cruise Control

Technical characteristics

  • Model Bürstner Campeo C540
  • Year of registration: 2023
  • GVW: 3,500 kg
  • Height: 3 m

Rental conditions

  • Deposit managed by Yescapa: €2,000 or the maximum amount of the insurance excess
  • Additional km's: €0.40 per additional km
  • Travelling abroad : Upon request
  • Pets allowed : Upon request
  • Smoking allowed : Not allowed

Cancellation policy

Refund terms vary depending on the date of cancellation of the booking.


  • Bike€30.00 per day

Business hours

  • Open from monday to friday
  • Closed from saturday to sunday
  • Closed during public holidays

Owner of the vehicle

  • Identity checked
  • Patrick
  • Member since September 2022
  • Response rate: 100%
  • Spoken languages: French, English, Spanish

Renters' reviews

Handover location

The exact address will be communicated to you when the booking is confirmed.


Included in the rental with Yescapa

Comprehensive rental insurance for the vehicle and its occupants
You are covered for damage to the vehicle and other mishaps on the road. The driver must be at least 23 years old and have held a driving licence for 3 years without suspension. The guarantees cover events of an accidental nature. You are covered for damage to the vehicle and other mishaps on the road.

  • Be 23 years or older
  • Have the Licence B for 3 years or longer

24/7 roadside assistance
If the vehicle is immobilised due to a breakdown or incident, you will be taken care of by our assistance partner until the vehicle is repaired or your return is organised. Yescapa tells you how to contact the assistance and all the steps to follow in your insurance certificate. This warranty includes 0 KM assistance and works on all roads in Europe.

Secure payment
When you pay on Yescapa, the vehicle owner's remuneration is kept in a single and secure wallet until the day after you leave on rental. So, no unpleasant surprises, the owner welcomes you on the day of departure to prepare your first steps with his vehicle. A few days later, the remuneration arrives in the owner's bank account.

Departure guarantee
If you are unable to start your rental due to a vehicle breakdown or for reasons related to the owner, our team will offer you other vehicles that meet your travel criteria, or you will be fully reimbursed.

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